He was with you when you were happy...
When you were sad...
When you did things good and not so good...
He was with you when you struggled with your thoughts...
When you said things you regret...
He was with you when your friends rejected you...
And when you were alone... He was with you...
He was with you when you ignored Him...
He was with you when you needed Him....
He has never, ever left you; and you haven't surprised Him one bit, NOT with any of it, nor have I...
So, don't let the thoughts from the enemy convince you that you should be ashamed, embarrassed or fearful to talk freely with Him. The enemy wants nothing more, than to seperate you from the neverending goodness God is to you.
He LOVES you!
He LOVES you!
He LOVES you unconditionally and you are already forgiven, for all of it.