Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Fingerprints of God

From last Friday till noon today we thought we were going to be homeless. That changed when we got news that we were approved to rent the house we applied for on Monday. I have never faced this situation before and found myself struggling with many emotions.

I learned years ago that the mood of my home is set by me. Everyone responds to mom's moods, so I bore it as calm as I could and as brave as I could. I realized my future was not mine for the making, but Papa God's. So I prayed and waited.

Have you ever thought about the possibility of being homeless? It's scary. I pondered about the dangers and discomforts to not having a place to live. A question I also asked myself was, would Papa God be willing to let us be homeless, and I believe He would; especially if it served a higher purpose. It seems that was not His plan at this time.

Of course I am grateful. I am not beyond having to struggle with those feelings, that anyone naturally would struggle with. Feelings of embarrassment, fear and oh yes, my pride. Oh, I know how that word makes you cringe, it does me too, but we all struggle with it. Our pride is an emotion the devil preys upon and we need to safeguard our hearts and minds, keeping that in check or it could get us into a whole lot of trouble. 

I have recently realized that I would have been willing to submit even in that area of my life to Him, if that's what Papa God asked of me. Not that I would have had a choice if He decreed it; but my heart was willing to trust Him.

It really was a miracle that we got this place. With Eric being unemployed, my hours cut to 4 hrs a week at OSH, we barely qualified. It was the kids and their incomes that helped us do it. They all are part of the lease agreement and that astounds me. Phen and Kyle just got their jobs within the last 2 weeks. WOW, talk about timing!

Yesterday I made a trip to the rental agency by chance. On a whim, I decided to deliver our paperwork instead of faxing it. Sue, owner of the Property Management Company told me later, that that was perfect timing. The owner of the property was there and we got to meet. It was meeting me that swayed his decision to rent the house to us. Papa God really worked it.

As I look around, I see Papa’s fingerprints on everything. He has been orchestrating this change in our lives for several years now. It’s remarkable to watch how He has done a work, which has changed our hearts. When I look into my heart and see a different person forming, I am grateful, utterly grateful! 

As I watch this chapter in our lives unfolding, I am learning to recognize the tender touch and direction of Papa. He really is wonderful. He is our protector. He is our Provider and He loves us. Our views of what we think our lives should be and how He should orchestrate them are skewed. If God permits Jonah to sit in the belly of a whale for 3 days to turn his thoughts towards Him, would Papa God be any less willing to take that same measure with us when necessary?

Something to think about..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Precious Pearls

Don't you love it when God speaks little truths to us through out the day? I love those precious pearls.

The Holy Spirit led me to share those Truth's with others. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was, to see how it encouraged those that heard them.

Then it occurred to me, to gather them up, and share them with you too. 

When you find a friend.. you have found a pearl of great value. Never lose it! Never take advantage of it and serve it, rather than enslaving it.

John 8:7 Let him without sin be the first to throw a stone. We are quick to find fault with others. We are not spiritual cops. Let's tend our own heart.

If God is not disappointed with you, why in the world are you disappointed in yourself? He created and approves of you. Jeremiah 1:5; John 12:47

Believe that you can be obedient. Believe that God loves you, that YOU are important and significant! Don't look to people for your worth.

Jos 24:15 Choose for yourself, whom you shall serve. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord! Next temptation that hits, what will you decide?

Psalms 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart. It's hard to wait when circumstances are pressing hard. Let your praise to God strengthen you.

We fear that loving and accepting an individual is condoning their choices. This fear is our own. Loving someone is Not the same as condoning their actions.

Your love and devotion is not a tool to be used to manipulate the attitude and actions of another.

There are times when God calms the Storm in your life. There are times He lets the Storm rage and calms you.

As I watch my children grow, learn, and smile at their new found knowledge, it makes me think how Jesus smiles at us when we get it...

When what you’re feeling is too heavy, too burdensome, you forgot God should be carrying it? Let it go..

Friday, July 3, 2009

When Circumstances Change

This entry is a Nugget indeed! I enjoyed re-reading it. Have you ever thought about journaling? As I am going through my old journals, I am astounded at the things God has shown me, and they would’ve been lost in my cob-webbed mind if I didn’t write them down. If you have never made a journal, now is a good time to start, don’t you think? I just use a Mead composition Binder. Date each page and then write. Don’t worry about sounding silly. That's just our stupid pride trying to ruin it for us, so we don’t do something great for God.

Thanks for joining me with “When Circumstances Change”.

Journal Entry September 22, 2007

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.

Matt 6;&version=31;

When a verse says heart, it can be referring to the mind. So, I can take this to say that where my mind is, what I concentrate on, that is where my treasure is.

God says my eyes are dim when they take in the scene before me, and can’t see what is right there in front of my face. It’s the desires of my heart, those that are contrary to His guidance, that are blinding me to see and hear God’s voice.. When that happens, God steps in to help my mind see His truth.

Have you ever searched for an item in the house, found it, only to discover that you needed to find another? After an aggravated search, you end up finding it right in front of your nose, and in the same spot you found the other item. Doesn’t it boggle your mind that you never even noticed it the first time?

This is because our mind is only searching for the one thing. It disregards most everything else. I discovered while going through some painful circumstances that my mind couldn’t see what God wanted me to know until…

My circumstances created a different thought process. It opened a closed mind to new things.

Do you know how many times I wish I could’ve avoided going through painful circumstances? It doesn’t take a brainy psychologist to realize we don't work that way, does it?
How many times have you heard, “If only I had listened, but nooo, I had to learn the hard way!”

An open mind to the things of God is received by the Holy Spirits training. That training, (yes you guessed it) it’s the school of life. The Bible is full of stories about people and their schooling. It shows us that it’s God who orchestrates change within us and the lives of others like, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Jacob, Peter and Paul to name a few.

Journal Entry September 23, 2007

Sometimes traveling to a new place leads to great transformation.

What a profound statement. I’m marveling at what kind of transformation to expect. I know God is doing something; I’m just not sure what yet.

We were on our way back from Chowchilla, Ca. and stopped for refreshments at Starbucks. It was there, sitting outside, that He told us, “I am changing your circumstances. This change, including direction will lead you to a new place of great transformation within the heart and mind.”

It’s been two years and He still isn’t finished. We had no idea what laid ahead of us. If you have been following my writing, then you already have an idea where we were heading and what we were going to be facing. There is one more little jotting I did (just 3 bullets). I’ll post it because it shows a bit more of what the Holy Spirit was showing me.

• A time of testing – Job
• Something big is planned and we have to go through this before it happens
• Lessons are being taught

“Sometimes God calms the storm; sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.”

I am pleased if what God has shown me, becomes a guiding light and an encouragement to you. For those of you who are entering into or going through painful circumstances, I understand and have walked a hard mile in those shoes. For me, I felt alone, mostly because I didn’t comprehend how He worked. I couldn’t spiritually grasp what He was doing when I saw my loved ones hurting, the things I owned being stripped from us and my whole identity being challenged due to loss of relationships, credit, jobs and health.

But I discovered something that I want to share. God is good all the time. Lean into Him during painful times. Get closer and cozier. Really get to know Him; for He is a delight to our mind and a comfort to our hearts.

And…when you find someone who is willing to walk with you, to pray with you, to encourage you; receive from it and don’t lose it. If you happen to find someone who’s relationship with God is powerful and mature…take the time to be nourished from the fruit they bear… shake the fruit from their tree and gleam as much as you can.

Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.;&version=31;

Love and hugs,
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I thank you and love that you've taken the time to send me your thoughts. To know that God is being praised for all that I have suffered and learned is enough for me.

It's not easy to learn to give-up our will, and the biggest thing in our way is ourselves! It's our greatest idol.

Keep keeping on..

You and I will walk, trudge, trip and even crawl the righteous path thru the valley of death together!!

Keep in touch and Hugs...
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Quieting You with His Love

This is my journal entry “Quieting You with His Love” written in September 2007. It starts off with a message Papa God gave me from Zeph. 3, continues with His words spoken to my spirit and finishes with my prayer.

The Lord shall remove the afflictions against us in His time. When it’s time to restore, He will re-supply and fix those things that were taken and broken by the enemy. Zephaniah 3

“Do not be weary – stay strong and courageous, I am with you. Look around you. Do you not see that I am still here? Trust Me! Stay strong, all of this is necessary. You’ll understand in a short time. I have much to show you, but first things first – Stay strong and courageous.”

Papa God, Quiet my fears, Papa. I know You are here! Not because I can see You or feel You, for my emotions have clouded my senses; but because You promised You’d never leave me or abandon me. 

You are orchestrating it all. I realize You are allowing us to lose everything. You told Eric and I that you were changing our circumstances. After Eric lost his job, I thought You were done. I was mistaken! You have continued to pick us apart. It is extremely trying. I am finding that I have to put enormous effort in continuing to trust You and walk forward in faith.

Controlling my emotions and feelings is an effort too. But it’s important to me that I don’t yell or mistreat my family due to my frustrations and fears over our circumstances. We must move together to walk forward – finding solutions – not fault, and certainly not to be angry at You.

As we move with You Lord, learning where You are taking us, please give each of us supernatural strength and peace. Please talk to me through this time. I need to feel You and Your presence. I need to be loved and Only You can supply what I need perfectly.

At present 2009: If our situation has changed, it’s changed for the worse. Homes are still foreclosing, we are jobless and we have suffered serious injuries and sicknesses. 

I am able to tell you with confidence though, that God is so GOOD and believe it from the depths of my heart, whereas before, I quoted His word and hoped it was true. His promise to uphold us and never abandon us is spot-on! Although my circumstances haven’t changed, my perspective has. 

During hard times, we need each other for encouragement and support. Don't shut down or shut the world out when you're hurting. Reach out and take a handful of love.

I hope and pray that my personal Journal entries encourage and minister to you. I would love to hear about your story, what God is doing in your life and the cries of your heart. I would love to pray with you?

Email me.. 
With Much Love,;&version=31;
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