This is my journal entry “Quieting You with His Love” written in September 2007. It starts off with a message Papa God gave me from Zeph. 3, continues with His words spoken to my spirit and finishes with my prayer.
The Lord shall remove the afflictions against us in His time. When it’s time to restore, He will re-supply and fix those things that were taken and broken by the enemy. Zephaniah 3
“Do not be weary – stay strong and courageous, I am with you. Look around you. Do you not see that I am still here? Trust Me! Stay strong, all of this is necessary. You’ll understand in a short time. I have much to show you, but first things first – Stay strong and courageous.”
Papa God, Quiet my fears, Papa. I know You are here! Not because I can see You or feel You, for my emotions have clouded my senses; but because You promised You’d never leave me or abandon me.
You are orchestrating it all. I realize You are allowing us to lose everything. You told Eric and I that you were changing our circumstances. After Eric lost his job, I thought You were done. I was mistaken! You have continued to pick us apart. It is extremely trying. I am finding that I have to put enormous effort in continuing to trust You and walk forward in faith.
Controlling my emotions and feelings is an effort too. But it’s important to me that I don’t yell or mistreat my family due to my frustrations and fears over our circumstances. We must move together to walk forward – finding solutions – not fault, and certainly not to be angry at You.
As we move with You Lord, learning where You are taking us, please give each of us supernatural strength and peace. Please talk to me through this time. I need to feel You and Your presence. I need to be loved and Only You can supply what I need perfectly.
At present 2009: If our situation has changed, it’s changed for the worse. Homes are still foreclosing, we are jobless and we have suffered serious injuries and sicknesses.
I am able to tell you with confidence though, that God is so GOOD and believe it from the depths of my heart, whereas before, I quoted His word and hoped it was true. His promise to uphold us and never abandon us is spot-on! Although my circumstances haven’t changed, my perspective has.
During hard times, we need each other for encouragement and support. Don't shut down or shut the world out when you're hurting. Reach out and take a handful of love.
I hope and pray that my personal Journal entries encourage and minister to you. I would love to hear about your story, what God is doing in your life and the cries of your heart. I would love to pray with you?
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With Much Love,;&version=31;
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